2 min readNov 28, 2021


Help treat snoring and sleep apnea _SleepTight Mouthpiece

SleepTigSleepTight Mouthpiece

ht Mouthpiece

The SleepTight Mouthpiece was developed by US dentist Dr. Mike Williams, a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and a UK mouthguard research and developer.

Dr. Williams personally suffered from a snoring problem and endured multiple surgeries to improve his snoring, all to no avail. He began looking for snoring surgery alternatives over 10 years ago.

For several years the two collaborated frequently on snoring and OSA solutions. They decided to design and develop a mouthpiece that could help people around the globe with breathing at night. After evaluating thousands of customers’ feedback from around the world, SleepTight Mouthpiece was born.

How it works

SleepTight Mouthpiece is revolutionary

  • Easy to fit (5 minutes) and simple to use
  • Help treat snoring and sleep apnea
  • Over 90% of our customers would recommend to a friend who snored
  • Cleared for effectiveness and safety
  • Designed by a dentist and professional researcher.

Designed to reduce snoring

SleepTight Mouthpiece was designed to stop snoring

Snoring can cause serious relationship problems

Snoring can cause strain on relationships. Couples who experience snoring often end up sleeping in separate beds, this can have a detrimental effect on a relationship.

A substantial body of evidence suggests that marital status is associated with sleep outcomes, with the divorced typically having more sleep problems compared to their married or single counterparts. (source: Sleep Med Rev. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 Feb 19.)

Better sleep leads to a higher quality of life

Snoring impacts the quality of your sleep. When you can’t breathe well at night due to snoring, the quality of your sleep is reduced.

By getting the rest your body needs, you can feel more refreshed. This can have a positive impact on all aspects of life.

Eliminate snoring by breathing better

SleepTight Mouthpiece holds your lower jaw forward. Most people who snore do so because their airway collapses due to their muscles relaxing.

The vibration which causes snoring can be eliminated by using SleepTight Mouthpiece. When you wear the mouthpiece, your jaw stays further forward and your airway remains open. This prevents snoring while you sleep.

SleepTight Mouthpiece

